LinkedIn 2019 -01


L家特点:些边界比较tricky的题,DP会考,union find会考, trie不确定,string manipulation,树和LinkedList。也挺偏重数据结构design。听说onsite会有3轮sys design,真的很系统的公司。

Culture :

Transformation:culture of transform

  1. Yourself, Leave LinkedIn a better professional than when you started

  2. Company, Enable LinkedIn to realize its full potential

  3. World, Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce

Integrity : We don't believe the ends justify the means, We expect employees to do the right thing.

Collaboration : We believe great ideas and inspirations come from everyone.

Humor : Don't wait for other people to make you laugh

Result : We set clear, actionable goals and have high expectations for our performance. If you can't mesure it you can't fix it.

Value :

Our member come first; relationships matter; be open honest and constructive; Demand excellence; take intelligent risks(learn from misstakes and move on); act like an owner

Some suggestions :

  • Edge case show understanding what can go wrong. is something interviewers look for since it show that the candidate is able to adapt to real world situations.

  • Even if the answer seems obvious, walking through a solution and verifying the assumptions being made before coding indicates experience in problem solving

Type of queston :

Binary Searches; Graph Algorithms; Backtracking algorithms; Recursive algorithms; Dynamic programming algorithms (rare)

Data structure :

HashMaps; HashSets; Binary Trees; Lists; Stacks; Custom Data Structures

Use whole Name : eg. TreeNode not TNode; if the hack would not pass code review, won't pass LinkedIn's interview. Clean Code

Candidates should discuss the following topics at the minimum:

  1. The general idea behind the solution

  2. The next step. What is it? Are there optimizations? Trade-offs?

  3. Any potential blocks. What is blocking progress on the problem? If there’s no progress for 20 to 30 seconds, a candidate should explain what is causing the block.

  4. Why certain code is being refactored if the candidate is changing things in their algorithm/code.

  5. Manners of testing.

What we actually want to see is how the candidate thinks about and breaks down the problem, and then from there how well they can translate their ideas into an actual working solution.

364 Nested List Weight Sum II

244 Shortest Word Distance II

272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II

339 Nested List Weight Sum

170 Two Sum III - Data structure design

716 Max Stack

243 Shortest Word Distance

366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree

605 Can Place Flowers

149 Max Points on a Line

432 All O one Data Structure

156 Binary Tree Upside Down

254 Factor Combinations

265 Paint House

150 Evaluate REverse Polish Notation

698 Partition to K Equal Sum subsets

730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences

65 Valid Number

636 Exclusive Time of Functions

200 Number of Islands

380 Insert Delete GetRandom O 1

50 Pow(x,n)

297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

671 Second Minimum Node in a Binary Tree

187 Repeated DNA Sequences

341 Flatten Nested List Iterator

611 Valid Triangle Number

205 Isomorphic Strings

152 Maximum Product Subarray

20 Valid Parentheses

282 Expression Add Operation

547 Friend Circles

53 Maximum Subarray

102 Binary Tree Level Order Tranversal

76 Minimum Window Substring

236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected graph

56 Merge Intervals

47 Permutations II

72 Edit Distance

744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target

879 Profitable Schemes

261 Graph Valid Tree

322 Coin Change

101 Symmetric Tree

46 Permutations

1 Two Sum

33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array

104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

127 Word Ladder

373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums

12 Integer to Roman

381 Insert Delete GetRandom O 1 - Duplicates allowed

450 Delete Node in a BST

34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array

451 Sort Characters by Frequency

160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists

273 Integer to English Words

245 Shortest Word Distance III

706 Design HashMap

69 Sqrt x

57 Insert Interval

695 Max Area of Island

655 Print Binary Tree

349 Intersection of Tow Arrays

449 Serialize and Deserialize BST

311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication

103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

528 Random Pick with Weight

428 Serialize and Deserialze N-ary Tree

40 Combination Sum II

460 LFU cache

468 Validate IP Address

367 Valid Perfect Square

146 LRU Cache

13 Roman to Integer

796 Rotate String

277 Finde the Celebrity

100 Same Tree

126 Word Ladder II

23 Merge K Sorted Lists

173 Binary Search Tree Iterator

658 Find K Closest Elements

384 Shuffle an Array

347 Top K Frequenct Elements

8 String to Integer (atoi)

412 Fizz Buzz

81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II

98 Validate Binary Search Tree

153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

151 Reverse Words in a String

138 Copy List With Random Pointer

79 Word Search

238 Product of Array Except Self

39 Combination Sum

78 Subsets

141 Linked List Cycle

198 House Robber

88 Merge Sorted Array

70 Climbing Stairs

Last updated

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