291 Word Pttern II

Given apatternand a stringstr, find ifstrfollows the same pattern.

Here follow means a full match, such that there is a bijection between a letter inpatternand a non-empty substring instr.


  1. pattern ="abab", str ="redblueredblue"should return true.

  2. pattern ="aaaa", str ="asdasdasdasd"should return true.

  3. pattern ="aabb", str ="xyzabcxzyabc"should return false.

Notes: You may assume bothpatternandstrcontains only lowercase letters.


public boolean wordPatternMatch(String pattern, String str) {
    Map<Character, String> mapping = new HashMap<>();
    return helper(pattern, 0, str, 0, mapping);

private boolean helper(String pattern, int pi, String str, int si, Map<Character, String> mapping) {
    if (pi == pattern.length() && si == str.length()) {
        return true;
    } else if (pi == pattern.length() || si == str.length()) {
        return false;

    char pcur = pattern.charAt(pi);
    for (int i = si + 1; i <= str.length(); i++) {
        String scur = str.substring(si, i);
        if (mapping.containsKey(pcur)) {
            if (mapping.get(pcur).equals(scur)) {
                if (helper(pattern, pi + 1, str, i, mapping)) {
                    return true;
        } else {
            if (mapping.containsValue(scur)) {
            mapping.put(pcur, scur);
            if (helper(pattern, pi + 1, str, i, mapping)) {
                return true;


    return false;

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