12 graph (BFS)
这里主要是讲些图相关的bfs和dfs题,还有就是topological sort了。bfs主要就是用个Queue,dfs就是递归搜索了。BFS的时间复杂度都是O(m+n),m是边数,n是点数
如果是矩阵的话可以用 i * m + j来避免用pair class
上面那个其实很难记住,某次pramp的时候,某亚洲面孔小哥哥,指了条名路。可以用int[] .Queue<int[]> q = new LinkedList<>(); q.add(new int[]{i, j});
搜的时候可以考虑用direction matrix, int[] x = {0, 0, 1, -1}, int[] y = {1, -1, 0, 0},然后loop k 从 0 -- 4
L477 Surrounded Regions - 也可以用union find来做&DFS (130)
200 Number of Islands (L433) - BFS/DFS/Union Find
695 Max Area of Island -- 跟200 Number of Islands几乎一样,还是bfs/dfs/union find都能解
694 Number of Distinct Islands
711 Number of Distinct Islands II
302 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels - 还可以用bfs,不过2分比较好 (L600)
133 Clone Graph --与138 Copy LIst with Random Pointer有点关系
399 Evaluate Division
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
317 Shorest Distance from All Buildings (L573 Build Post Office II)
490 The Maze
505 The Maze II
499 The Maze III
332 Reconstruct Itinerary
L431 Connected Component in Undirected Graph - can use bfs or dfs or union find as well (求联通块里具体有什么node) (323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph -- 求联通块个数)
Detect Cycle in directed graph -- dfs
Detect Cycle in undirected graph -- dfs / union find
PrintShortestPath - bfs with backtrack, Uber
743 Network Delay Time -- Dijkstra (BFS)
542 01 Matrix -- 还有dp解法
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix
Special BFS node:
279 Perfect Squares -- 之前是用背包解,然后数学解法是四平方定理,然后还能递归,还有另一种DP解法。太高级,有空再补
127 Word Ladder (L120)
126 Word Ladder II (L121)
752 Open the Lock -- 127 Word Ladder变体
Topological Sort:
207 Course Schedule (L615)
210 Course Schedule II (L616)
444 Sequence Reconstruction (L605)
296 Best Meeting Point
other related:
305 Number of Island II (L434) - Union Find
407 Trapping Rain Water II -- heap
L432 Find Weak Connected Component in the Directed Graph -- Union Find
L574 Build Post Office -- similar to 296 Best Meeting Point, 这题不一定有解,所以不能用296的方法-- 曼哈顿距离
Last updated
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