17 Questions to company
The Q&A at the end is to show you do your due deligent to make sure this company is right for you.
Q: how did you come to work here? What keeps you here ? What you like the most about working here
Q:Tell me one of your successful hire here, what makes them successful in their role. (can figure out what is performance look like in this company) Tell me a no successfule hire, what makes them fail.
Q: What is the challenge this company facing, and how this job is going to help it. How will I measure my performance so I know I am having a positive impact on this challenge.
Q:If there are some skills that you would like me to have for better fit at this job. what would they be ? (if they say something you are lacking, you can tell them some stories that you forget to share. What is the next step in the process ? (if the date they give you is pass and no respond, you can emal and say, is there anything else I can do to further my candidacy ?)
What hiring manager is looking for in you. (Personality, Aptitude,experience)
show your go-to potential. (how you solve problem and alleviate pains in pass position.)
spell out your value. (how you deliver value in the workplace)
explain your short term goal.(tell them by doing this job you are going to add to your value in your career path. This job can bring me to the next level, and therefor I am in total can bring these much value to you. blah blah blah)
To Engineer :
Working Style - What to prioritize, day to day work. Most chalenging part. On call.
Tooling :remove linux dev server ? debugability ? deploy time in test enviornment
You role in the mission
To Manager :
Where requirements come from ? who made the decision / roadmap
Manging style
How to be successful in this role ?
Any special way of communication ? like group post in Facebook ?
To StartUp :
Advantage against competitor
Deprecate or support forever
specific : if you are 2nd layer cloud provider, how to compete if AWS decided to have the same function
My favorate question:
Day to day work
most challenging thing
paint point
what I can learn
Where requirement come from & how to prioritize
How performance get evaluate ?
What is reqired to be successful in this job
What do you like about this company ? team ? product ?
work life balance & oncall
ask about manager philosophy, challenges the team is facing, frustrations of each team member / coworker i get a chance to meet during the interview - this gives me a good idea of what to expect.
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