1663 Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value

The numeric value of a lowercase character is defined as its position (1-indexed) in the alphabet, so the numeric value of a is 1, the numeric value of b is 2, the numeric value of c is 3, and so on.

The numeric value of a string consisting of lowercase characters is defined as the sum of its characters' numeric values. For example, the numeric value of the string "abe" is equal to 1 + 2 + 5 = 8.

You are given two integers n and k. Return the lexicographically smallest string with length equal to n and numeric value equal to k.

Note that a string x is lexicographically smaller than string y if x comes before y in dictionary order, that is, either x is a prefix of y, or if i is the first position such that x[i] != y[i], then x[i] comes before y[i] in alphabetic order.

Example 1:

Input: n = 3, k = 27
Output: "aay"
Explanation: The numeric value of the string is 1 + 1 + 25 = 27, and it is the smallest string with such a value and length equal to 3.

Example 2:

Input: n = 5, k = 73
Output: "aaszz"


  • 1 <= n <= 105

  • n <= k <= 26 * n

这题,一看,不就是40 Combination Sum II的变体吗?这题就是求其中一个方案。但是呢,这里找的是第一个结果,也不好把所有算出来了,然后只返回第一个。想把搜索树截枝,发现不好做。也想了想是不是背包。发现又不像。后来看了答案,原来是贪心。


这题是从后面开始贪心,先找最大的字母填了。T:O(n), S:O(n),sb存了n个。其实这题,让我深思的是,如果来一个follow up,求是否可行,会不会变成DP ?又或者把这题的条件换成k是可以任意大的,如果不可行,返回空串什么的。

public String getSmallestString(int n, int k) {
    if (n < 1 || k < n) {
        return "";

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int curChar = 26;
    // 没找够字母就继续找
    while (n > 0) {
        // 如果这个字母太大了,挑前面一个
        if (k - curChar < n - 1) {
        // 找到合适字母,加到tmp里
        sb.append((char)('a' + curChar - 1));
        // 少一个字母,n--
        // k也得减掉这个字母的值
        k -= curChar;

    // 因为从屁股开始找,然后一直加到后面。所以要反转一下
    return sb.reverse().toString();

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