L390 Find Peak Element II

There is an integer matrix which has the following features:

  • The numbers in adjacent positions are different.

  • The matrix has n rows and m columns.

  • For all i < m,A[0][i] < A[1][i] && A[n - 2][i] > A[n - 1][i].

  • For all j < n,A[j][0] < A[j][1] && A[j][m - 2] > A[j][m - 1].

We define a position P is a peek if:

A[j][i] > A[j+1][i] && A[j][i] > A[j-1][i] && 
A[j][i] > A[j][i+1] && A[j][i] > A[j][i-1]

Find a peak element in this matrix. Return the index of the peak.


The matrix may contains multiple peeks, find any of them.


Given a matrix:

  [1 ,2 ,3 ,6 ,5],

return index of 41 (which is[1,1]) or index of 24 (which is[2,2])


Solve it in O(n+m) time.

If you come up with an algorithm that you thought it is O(n log m) or O(m log n), can you prove it is actually O(n+m) or propose a similar but O(n+m) algorithm?

这题是上一题的follow up,在2D矩阵找peak。是peak的条件是,比4周的高,所以从4周找起。而且每次vertical和horizontal地把找的范围缩小,才能做到O(n+m)。

public List<Integer> findPeakII(int[][] A) {
    if (A == null || A.length == 0) {
        return null;
    int n = A.length; // x going down
    int m = A[0].length; // y going right
    // cut squre in half horizontally, so pass in true;
    // then cut square in half, vertically to shrink the peak position.
    return findInRange(1, 1, n - 2, m - 2, A, true);

private List<Integer> findInRange(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, 
                                  int[][] A, boolean horizontal) {
    if (horizontal) { // cut square in half horizontally
        int mid = x1 + (x2 - x1) / 2;
        // use max Index to keep track of max elem's index in the row
        int maxInd = y1; 
        for (int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) {// loop to find max
            if (A[mid][i] > A[mid][maxInd]) {
                maxInd = i;

        if (A[mid][maxInd] < A[mid - 1][maxInd]) {
            // the max elem in this row smaller than it's top, 
            // means peak elem can be found in upper half
            // next time cut it vertically
            return findInRange(x1, y1, mid - 1, y2, A, false);
        } else if (A[mid][maxInd] < A[mid + 1][maxInd]) {
            // the max elem in this row smaller than it's bottom, 
            // means peak elem can be found in lower half
            // next time cut it vertically
            return findInRange(mid + 1, y1, x2, y2, A, false);
        } else { // the max elem is the peak;
            return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(mid, maxInd));

    } else { // cut square in half vertically
        int mid = y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2;
        int maxInd = x1;
        for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
            if (A[maxInd][mid] < A[i][mid]) {
                maxInd = i;

        if (A[maxInd][mid] < A[maxInd][mid - 1]) {
            // the max elem in this col smaller than it's left, 
            // means peak can be found in the left half
            return findInRange(x1, y1, x2, mid - 1, A, true);
        } else if (A[maxInd][mid] < A[maxInd][mid + 1]) {
            // the max elem in this col is smaller than it's right, 
            // means peak can be found in the right half
            return findInRange(x1, mid + 1, x2, y2, A, true);
        } else { // the max elem is the peak;
            return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(maxInd, mid));

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