L437 copy books I

Given_n_books and the_i_th book hasA[i]pages. You are given_k_people to copy the_n_books.

the_n_books list in a row and each person can claim a continuous range of the_n_books. For example one copier can copy the books from_i_th to_j_th continously, but he can not copy the 1st book, 2nd book and 4th book (without 3rd book).

They start copying books at the same time and they all cost 1 minute to copy 1 page of a book. What's the best strategy to assign books so that the slowest copier can finish at earliest time?


Given array A =[3,2,4], k =2.

Return5( First person spends 5 minutes to copy book 1 and book 2 and second person spends 4 minutes to copy book 3. )


public int copyBooks(int[] pages, int k) {
    if (pages == null || pages.length == 0 || k < 1) {
        return 0;    

    int n = pages.length;
    // find lower bounds. 
    // because a person cannot copy partial book, 
    // so max pages of the book is lower bound & upper bounds.
    // worst case we only have 1 person to copy all books, 
    // so sum of pages of all book is upper bound
    int left = 0;
    int right = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        left = Math.max(left, pages[i]);
        right += pages[i];

    // do binary search on results, 
    // find smallest/1st mins that satisfy copying the books
    while (left + 1 < right) {
        int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
        if (canFinish(mid, pages, k)) {
            right = mid;
        } else {
            left = mid;

    if (canFinish(left, pages, k)) {
        return left;
    } else {
        return right;

private boolean canFinish(int minutes, int[] pages, int k) {
    int restTime = minutes;// rest time for preson ki
    int i = 0;
    int ki = 1;
    while (i < pages.length) {
        if (restTime >= pages[i]) {
            restTime = restTime - pages[i];
        } else {
            restTime = minutes;
            if (ki > k) {
                return false;

    return true;


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