1477 Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum

You are given an array of integers arr and an integer target.

You have to find two non-overlapping sub-arrays of arr each with a sum equal target. There can be multiple answers so you have to find an answer where the sum of the lengths of the two sub-arrays is minimum.

Return the minimum sum of the lengths of the two required sub-arrays, or return -1 if you cannot find such two sub-arrays.

Example 1:

Input: arr = [3,2,2,4,3], target = 3
Output: 2
Explanation: Only two sub-arrays have sum = 3 ([3] and [3]). The sum of their lengths is 2.

Example 2:

Input: arr = [7,3,4,7], target = 7
Output: 2
Explanation: Although we have three non-overlapping sub-arrays of sum = 7 ([7], [3,4] and [7]), but we will choose the first and third sub-arrays as the sum of their lengths is 2.

Example 3:

Input: arr = [4,3,2,6,2,3,4], target = 6
Output: -1
Explanation: We have only one sub-array of sum = 6.


  • 1 <= arr.length <= 105

  • 1 <= arr[i] <= 1000

  • 1 <= target <= 108


这个做法是,先左到右来一遍prefixSum求min,再右到左来一遍suffixSum求min,最后从左到右过一遍,把前后加起来的min返回就好了。但一直没掌握好的138又出来了。这次好像已经懂了。就是,prefixSum可以先把位置存在值里。又或者可以像437 Path Sum III 存path的个数。每次如果在prefixSum的hashmap里,找到了现在为止的sum_so_far - target的值,证明,那个位置到到现在这个位置那一段subarray,是target的值。举个栗子:

                 [3,    2,    2,    4,    3]
  sum       0     3     5     7     11    14  
  loc      -1     0     1     2     3      4
i = 0    prefixSum = 3, map里有 prefixSum(3)- target(3) = 0的key,
         所以(-1, 0)这一段的subarray=target
i = 1    prefixSum = 5, map里有 prefixSum(5)- target(3) = 2的key,继续

i = 2    ...
i = 4    prefixSum = 14, map里有 prefixSum(14)- target(3) = 11的key
         所以(3, 4)这一段的subarray=target

suffixSum也能用这种方法做,只是首先放进去的是len(最后一个位置)。这个感觉就像普通array类的前缀和那样,多开一位。这里,是138的拓展,138那里的target是0,所以直接找key就好了。最后因为要不overlap的两条subarray,所以找答案的时候,要空出一格。T:O(n), S:O(n)

public int minSumOfLengths(int[] arr, int target) {
    if (arr == null || arr.length == 0) {
        return -1;

    int len = arr.length;
    int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int[] left = new int[len];
    int sum = 0;
    // <preSum, loc>
    Map<Integer, Integer> preSumMap = new HashMap<>();
    preSumMap.put(0, -1);

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        sum = sum + arr[i];
        if (preSumMap.containsKey(sum - target)) {
            best = Math.min(best, i - preSumMap.get(sum - target));

        left[i] = best;
        preSumMap.put(sum, i);

    best = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int[] right = new int[len];
    sum = 0;
    // <sufSum, loc>
    Map<Integer, Integer> sufSumMap = new HashMap<>();
    sufSumMap.put(0, len);

    for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        sum = sum + arr[i];
        if (sufSumMap.containsKey(sum - target)) {
            best = Math.min(best, sufSumMap.get(sum - target) - i);

        right[i] = best;
        sufSumMap.put(sum, i);

    int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
        if (left[i - 1] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && right[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            result = Math.min(left[i - 1] + right[i], result);

    return result == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : result;

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