Snapchat 2017-04
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal
Amicable Pair less than n -- math / hashtable
ctci189 1.6 String Compression
对角线打印矩阵 -- 与L185很像不过比那题简单一点点,可以用102的方法做。
big integer - 43 Multiply Strings, 415 Add Strings, BigInt sub
169 Majority Element(L46)
299 Majority Element II (L47)
Check whether graph is bipartite graph
Detect Cycle in directed graph -- dfs
Detect Cycle in undirected graph -- dfs / union find
139 Word Break -- DP
300 Longest Increasing subsequence
meeting room 3 -- weighted interval scheduling problem L300变形
edit distance to palindrome (min edit distance)-- DP
438 find all anagram in string
149 Maximum point on a line
68 text justification
23 Merge k sorted list / L486 merge k sorted array
295 Find median in data Stream
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (L88)
L474 Lowest Common Ancestor II -- 有parent pointer,链表intersection很像。
L578 Lowest Common Ancestor III - 要找的点可能不在树里
102 Bianry tree level order traversal
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST
Last updated
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