1257 Smallest Common Region

You are given some lists of regions where the first region of each list includes all other regions in that list.

Naturally, if a region x contains another region y then x is bigger than y. Also, by definition, a region x contains itself.

Given two regions: region1 and region2, return the smallest region that contains both of them.

If you are given regions r1, r2, and r3 such that r1 includes r3, it is guaranteed there is no r2 such that r2 includes r3.

It is guaranteed the smallest region exists.

Example 1:

regions = [["Earth","North America","South America"],
["North America","United States","Canada"],
["United States","New York","Boston"],
["South America","Brazil"]],
region1 = "Quebec",
region2 = "New York"
Output: "North America"

Example 2:

Input: regions = [["Earth", "North America", "South America"],["North America", "United States", "Canada"],["United States", "New York", "Boston"],["Canada", "Ontario", "Quebec"],["South America", "Brazil"]], region1 = "Canada", region2 = "South America"
Output: "Earth"


  • 2 <= regions.length <= 104

  • 2 <= regions[i].length <= 20

  • 1 <= regions[i][j].length, region1.length, region2.length <= 20

  • region1 != region2

  • regions[i][j], region1, and region2 consist of English letters.

这题,看上去很像有parent指针的LCA。但想了半天都没想出来怎么build那个tree。后来看了答案,原来不需要build tree,只需要把每个点与TA parent的关系放到map里方便查询就ok了。先建立mapping,然后找region1的root to path。这里root的parent会是null,所以找到null为止 (这题因为两个点都在map里)。结果放到Set里方便找region2的时候查询。不然就得弄两个list来intersection了。从region2一直往上找,找到的第一个同样在region1的parent list(set)里的,就是我们的LCA。T:O(map size),找parent只是“树”的高度,建立”树“mapping的时候要整个map都过一遍,复杂度最高。S:O(map size),同样,path to root也只是“树”高,“树”所占的空间才是大头。

public String findSmallestRegion(List<List<String>> regions, String region1, String region2) {
   if (regions == null || regions.get(0) == null || region1 == null || region2 == null) {
       return null;

   // 1. create parent mapping
   Map<String, String> regionToParent = createMapping(regions);

   // 2. find path to root, region1
   Set<String> parents = new HashSet<>();
   while (region1 != null) {
       region1 = regionToParent.get(region1);
    // 3. find path to root, region2, and check whether we found lca
    while (!parents.contains(region2)) {
        region2 = regionToParent.get(region2);

    return region2;

private Map<String, String> createMapping(List<List<String>> regions) {
    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
    for (List<String> region : regions) {
        for (int i = 1; i < region.size(); i++) {
            // child -> parent
            result.put(region.get(i), region.get(0));

    return result;

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