Pramp - Getting a Different Number
Given an arrayarr
of unique nonnegative integers, implement a functiongetDifferentNumber
that finds the smallest nonnegative integer that is NOT in the array.
Even if your programming language of choice doesn’t have that restriction (like Python), assume that the maximum value an integer can have isMAX_INT = 2^31-1
. So, for instance, the operationMAX_INT + 1
would be undefined in our case.
Your algorithm should be efficient, both from a time and a space complexity perspectives.
Solve first for the case when you’re NOT allowed to modify the inputarr
. If successful and still have time, see if you can come up with an algorithm with an improved space complexity when modifyingarr
is allowed. Do so without trading off the time complexity.
Analyze the time and space complexities of your algorithm.
[time limit] 5000ms
[input] array.integer
1 ≤ arr.length ≤ MAX_INT
0 ≤ arr[i] ≤ MAX_INT for every i, 0 ≤ i < MAX_INT
[output] integer
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