Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Given"abcabcbb", the answer is"abc", which the length is 3.
Given"bbbbb", the answer is"b", with the length of 1.
Given"pwwkew", the answer is"wke", with the length of 3. Note that the answer must be a substring,"pwke"is asubsequenceand not a substring.
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {if (s ==null||s.length() ==0) {return0; } Set<Character> set =newHashSet<>();int max =0;int left =0;for (int right =0; right <s.length(); right++) {char rc =s.charAt(right); while (set.contains(rc)) {set.remove(s.charAt(left++)); } max =Math.max(max, right - left +1);set.add(rc); }return max;}
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {if (s ==null||s.length() ==0) {return0; }Map<Character,Integer> hm =newHashMap<>();int max =0;int left =0;for (int right =0; right <s.length(); right++) { char rc =s.charAt(right);while (hm.containsKey(rc)) { //这里要while,把左下标移到位 hm.remove(s.charAt(left++)); } hm.put(rc, right); max =Math.max(max, right - left +1); }return max;}
publicintlenghtOfLongestSubstring(String s) {int[] map =newint[256];// 如果是原题,用booleanint i =0;int j =0;int ans =0;for (int i =0; i <s.length; i++) {while (j <s.length() && map[s.charAt(j)] < k) { map[s.charAt(j)]++;//原题 = true ans =Math.max(ans, j - i +1); j++; } map[s.charAt(i)]--;// 原题=false }return ans;}
need to update left to the right value.
eg. abba
at line 14, left will be update to 2 when the 2nd b appear
when we encounter the last a, left will be update to 1 if we don't take max (which is less than left's current value 2) we should move the whole window to the right so we should not let the left bound "go backward"
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {if (s ==null||s.length() ==0) {return0; }// <char, location>,每次记录位置HashMap<Character,Integer> hm =newHashMap<>();int maxLen =1;int left =0;for (int right =0; right <s.length(); right++) {Character rightChar =s.charAt(right);if (hm.containsKey(rightChar)) {//一直往右移,如果发现出现了用hashmap的内容更新左边界 left =Math.max(hm.get(rightChar) +1, left);//不过得注意一下,因为有时候更新的左坐标会比现在窗口的小 }int curLen = right - left +1; maxLen =Math.max(maxLen, curLen);hm.put(rightChar, right);//把当前的char和坐标放进hashmap里 }return maxLen; }
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {if (s ==null||s.length() ==0) {return0; }char[] cs =s.toCharArray();int max =1;int i =0;int j =0;int len =cs.length;while (i < len) { j = i;int curlen =0;HashMap<Character,Integer> map =newHashMap<>();while (j < len) {if (!map.containsKey(cs[j])) {map.put(cs[j], j); curlen++; j++; } else { i =map.get(cs[j]);break; } } max =Math.max(max, curlen); i++; }return max;}