Given a (decimal -_e.g._3.72) number that is passed in as a string, return the binary representation that is passed in as a string. If the fractional part of the number can not be represented accurately in binary with at most 32 characters, returnERROR.
For n ="3.72", return"ERROR".
For n ="3.5", return"11.1".
publicStringbinaryRepresentation(String n) {if(n==null||n.equals("")){return"ERROR"; }String[] splitedStr =n.split("\\.");String frac =generateFrac(splitedStr[1]);if(frac.equals("ERROR")){return frac; }String inte =generateDec(splitedStr[0]);if(frac.equals("")){return inte; }return inte+"."+frac;}privateStringgenerateFrac(String fracStr){String one ="1";String zero ="0";double f =Double.parseDouble("0."+fracStr);double divisor =1;StringBuilder sb =newStringBuilder();int i =0;while (f !=0) { divisor = divisor/2;if(f > divisor){sb.append(one); f = f - divisor; }elseif(f < divisor){sb.append(zero); }else{sb.append(one);break; } i++;if (i >31) {break; } }return i >31?"ERROR":sb.toString();}privateStringgenerateDec(String DecStr){returnInteger.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(DecStr));}