
Root of Number

Many times, we need to re-implement basic functions without using any standard library functions already implemented. For example, when designing a chip that requires very little memory space.

In this question we’ll implement a functionrootthat calculates then’throot of a number. The function takes a nonnegative numberxand a positive integern, and returns the positiven’throot ofxwithin an error of0.001(i.e. suppose the real root isy, then the error is:|y-root(x,n)|and must satisfy|y-root(x,n)| < 0.001).

Don’t be intimidated by the question. While there are many algorithms to calculate roots that require prior knowledge in numerical analysis (some of them are mentioned here), there is also an elementary method which doesn’t require more than guessing-and-checking. Try to think more in terms of the latter.

Make sure your algorithm is efficient, and analyze its time and space complexities.


input:  x = 7, n = 3
output: 1.913

input:  x = 9, n = 2
output: 3


  • [time limit] 5000ms

  • [input] floatx0 ≤ x

  • [input] integern0 < n

  • [output] float

这题就是改了一下L586 Sqrt(x) II。那题开平方,这题能开n方。做法还是二分。这里还学了个优雅点的写法。

public class RootOfNumber {

    public static void main(String[] args) {        
        System.out.println(RootOfNumber.root(7, 3));

    static double root(double x, int n) {
        if (x <= 0 || n < 0) {
            return 0;

        double start = 0; // 注意从0开始找,别太抠,从1开始
        double end = Math.max(1, x); // 这里不用if else,也别太抠,end在x/2

        double delta = 0.001;
        while (end - start > delta) {
            double mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
            // 算mid ^ n
            double val = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                val = val * mid;

            if (val > x) {
                end = mid;
            } else {
                start = mid;

        return start + (end - start) / 2;

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