L637 Valid Word Abbreviation

L637 Valid Word Abbreviation (408)


Given a non-empty stringwordand an abbreviationabbr, return whether the string matches with the given abbreviation.

A string such as"word"contains only the following valid abbreviations:

["word", "1ord", "w1rd", "wo1d", "wor1", "2rd", "w2d", "wo2", "1o1d", "1or1", "w1r1", "1o2", "2r1", "3d", "w3", "4"]

Notice that only the above abbreviations are valid abbreviations of the stringword. Any other string is not a valid abbreviation ofword


Example 1:

Given s = "internationalization", abbr = "i12iz4n":
Return true.

Example 2:

Given s = "apple", abbr = "a2e":
Return false.

这题用两个指针,边循环边做。虽然简单但中间有很多需要注意的地方。例如,在while里要记得判断是否越界,因为如果数字太大,然后s的下标一加就越界了。另外,要注意没有前导0的情况,就是05 != 5. 最后return时还得注意判断两个string的下标是否都到了最后。不到的话,证明不是perfect match不是abbr。

     * @param word: a non-empty string
     * @param abbr: an abbreviation
     * @return: true if string matches with the given abbr or false
    public boolean validWordAbbreviation(String word, String abbr) {
        // write your code here
        if (abbr == null) {
            return false;

        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        char[] wa = word.toCharArray();
        char[] aa = abbr.toCharArray();
        while (i < wa.length && j < aa.length) {
            if (Character.isDigit(aa[j])) {
                int adv = 0;
                if (aa[j] == '0') {
                    return false;
                while (j < aa.length && Character.isDigit(aa[j])) {
                    adv = adv * 10 + aa[j] - '0';
                i = i + adv;
            } else {
                if (wa[i] != aa[j]) { 
                    return false;

        return i == wa.length && j == aa.length;

下面是九章的in place版本:

    public boolean validWordAbbreviation(String word, String abbr) {
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        while (i < word.length() && j < abbr.length()) {
            if (word.charAt(i) == abbr.charAt(j)) {
            } else if ((abbr.charAt(j) > '0') && (abbr.charAt(j) <= '9')) {     //notice that 0 cannot be included
                int start = j;
                while (j < abbr.length() && Character.isDigit(abbr.charAt(j))) {
                i += Integer.valueOf(abbr.substring(start, j));
            } else {
                return false;
        return (i == word.length()) && (j == abbr.length());

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