L521 Remove Duplicate Numbers in Array
Given an array of integers nums
, logically remove the duplicate elements and return the length of the removed array n
such that the first n
elements of the array nums
contain all the elements of the original array nums
after de-duplication by the de-duplication operation.
You should:
Do it in place in the array.
Put the element after removing the repetition at the beginning of the array.
Return the number of elements after removing duplicate elements.
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You don't need to keep the original order of the integers.
Example 1:
Move duplicate integers to the tail of nums => nums =
.Return the number of unique integers in nums =>
Actually we don't care about what you place in ?
, we only care about the part which has no duplicate integers.
Example 2:
Do it in O(n) time complexity.
Do it in O(nlogn) time without extra space.
这题如果允许排序的话跟之前26 Remove Duplicate from Sorted Arra一样。如果不排序的话,可以用个set来去重,还是T:O(n)但多用了O(n)的space。
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